Embedded Python Software Engineer

Embedded Python Software Engineer



Required Skills:

  • Experience in C/C++ development: ability to read and understand existing code, occasionally fixing bugs.
  • A minimum of 3 years of practical experience working with Python (core libraries, networking, I/O) and/or MicroPython. Willingness to learn Python if experience is insufficient.
  • Deep knowledge of Linux: basic principles, file system, I/O, processes, access control model, signals, networking, inter-process communication.
  • Experience with version control systems (git), including the ability to manage branches, pull requests, and conduct code reviews.
  • Practical experience with the MQTT protocol; knowledge of other IoT protocols is a plus.
  • English language skills at least at an Intermediate level.

Beneficial skills:

  • Experience with Buildroot
  • Wireless communication (WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE)
  • Experience with video streaming
  • Embedded development for ARM architecture


  • Development of new application features: Collaborate in the design and implementation of new functionality while maintaining existing features.
  • Active involvement in technical decision-making: Contribute to discussions around architecture and technology choices.
  • Addressing technical debt: Proactively identify areas for improvement within the codebase and propose effective solutions.
  • Team communication: Engage in proactive communication throughout the day and participate in several meetings per week to discuss progress and align on objectives.
  • Code review: Participate in peer reviews to ensure code quality and knowledge sharing among the team.

Application Form

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