We are looking for a QAA trainee to join our team working on alarm and video surveillance platforms. These platforms serve to the needs of around 100,000 customers in Europe. The platform provides applications and tools for end-customers to use their alarm systems remotely, including controls, video streaming, and statistics. It also supports internal teams in monitoring system status, customer support, configuration, and more. There are many ongoing and planned projects, such as adding support for new devices and flows, redesigning several large parts of the system, and more.
This is a hybrid internship format, with a visit to the office in Warsaw.
Required skills:
- Strong interest in Quality Assurance and Test Automation.
- Good understanding of software testing fundamentals.
- Analytical and problem solving skills.
- Familiarity with at least one programming language (e.g., Python, Java, C#) is a plus.
- Experience or knowledge of version control systems like Git.
- English knowledge B1.
- Easy way of communication.
- Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and adapt to changing priorities.
- Development, execution, and maintenance of automated test scripts for API and UI services.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand project requirements and test scope.
- Participate in manual testing efforts to validate new features and enhancements.
- Analyze test results and report on daily basis, raising issues to the development team, ensuring timely resolutions.
- Help maintain and enhance our testing framework and automation tools.
- Support the team in continuous improvement initiatives, focusing on process optimization.
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